Kaifasoft: Media Belajar Bersama

  • The Magical Seed

    Benih Ajaib Once upon a time, in a small village, lived a young girl named Mia. She loved gardening and always dreamed of having a magical garden. One day, she found a shiny seed while exploring the forest. Excited, she planted the seed in her garden. Pada suatu hari, di sebuah desa kecil, tinggal seorang…

  • A Lost Kitten’s Day Out

    Petualangan Sehari Kucing Hilang Once upon a time, there was a tiny kitten named Lily. She lived in a cozy house with her family. (Suatu kali, ada seekor anak kucing kecil bernama Lily. Dia tinggal di sebuah rumah nyaman bersama keluarganya.) One morning, Lily saw the front door slightly open. Curious, she slipped outside. (Suatu…